Basic Scripture

Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)


The traditional Jewish understanding of the temple was that it was a physical structure in Jerusalem where God’s presence dwelled and where sacrifices were offered. However, Jesus’ teachings and actions brought about a new understanding of the temple.

In the New Testament, Jesus referred to his body as the temple of God when he said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). He was speaking metaphorically about his own body and its resurrection after death. This statement emphasizes the importance of the body as a dwelling place for God’s spirit.

The new temple of the kingdom of God therefore refers to the understanding that Jesus’ death and resurrection established a new understanding of the temple as his own body, and that believers are now the temples of the Holy Spirit, reflecting God’s presence and purpose in the world.

To “defile the temple of God” mentioned in the verse above means to corrupt, pollute or desecrate the sacredness of one’s body, which is consecrated to God. It refers to engaging in immoral or sinful activities that go against the teachings of God and His Word.

This include unholy lifestyle such as sexual immorality. Substance abuse, gluttony, neglecting proper self-care are all viewed as defiling the body.. As such, we have to practice self control and take care of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The verse emphasizes the seriousness of defiling one’s body, as it states that those who do so will be judged by God and face destruction. It serves as a reminder for believers to honor God with their bodies, keeping them pure and free from any defiling influence.

The notion that our bodies are the temple of the kingdom of God reminds us of the spiritual significance and value of our physical bodies, encouraging us to live in a manner that reflects our connection with God and his kingdom.

Food For Thought

Purity is a necessity for keeping our bodies as sacred vessels that house the presence of holy Spirit.


1.Pursuing the Kingdom of God

Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

2.Receiving the Kingdom Like Children

Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

3.Entering the Kingdom of God

Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

4.Our Identity in the Kingdom of God

Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

5.Hindrances to Inheriting the Kingdom of God

Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

6.The New Temple of the Kingdom of God

When Kingdoms Collide

7.Advancing the Kingdom of God

Advancing the Kingdom of God

8.Nehemiah Prayer: A Blueprint for Kingdom Building

When Kingdoms Collide

9.Kingdom Builders: Prevailing Through Adversity

When Kingdoms Collide

10.Allegiance to Two Kingdoms

When Kingdoms Collide

11.When Kingdoms Collide

When Kingdoms Collide

12.Remaining Faithful in God’s Kingdom through Resilience

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