Change Begins Within
The dominant experience of your life is a reflection of the way you are thinking on the inside. Instead of looking for a change to take place externally in everybody…
Raising a family that adheres to living in the fullness of Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)
The dominant experience of your life is a reflection of the way you are thinking on the inside. Instead of looking for a change to take place externally in everybody…
People will not always appreciate the good that you do but will put you down for the one mistake you make. Rise above their criticisms and stay strong. Don’t amplify…
Be so happy that when others look at you, they become happy too. Keep the smile of a victor on your face always. Nothing can successfully work against you because…
I met Tom, a passionate young man in his early 20’s in 2002, when hosted me on his TV program and we remained friends since. He went on to add…
Music is a means of connection to God. There’s some music that your spirit connects to just after harkening to the intro. An exemplar of such music is ” Holy”…
Key Verse: People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He…
Do not let a single incident stain your view of yourself. Your consciousness of your personality, identity and inheritance affects the way you live, it controls the decisions you make…