Wisdom Capsule #017/22
Keep on believing God for what you have been praying for. He will come through for you. Don’t get tired because you are almost there. Hold on a little longer…
Raising a family that adheres to living in the fullness of Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)
Keep on believing God for what you have been praying for. He will come through for you. Don’t get tired because you are almost there. Hold on a little longer…
The steps you are taking towards greatness may not be attractive now but just continue. Like a soldier, just go through the training for the sake of the battle ahead.…
Take full responsibility of the outcome of your life. There is no need to blame anyone for your current circumstances. If they didn’t help you to start well, just try…
Be nice to people. Offer help when you can. Establish good relationships. You may not know who might help you tomorrow. #SirJohnMotivate
Make sure you do something each day that will move you closer to your dream. You don’t need to be too fast or too slow, you only need to keep…
Our God is a provider. He provided a sacrificial lamb instead of Isaac. He provided a coin in the mouth of a fish. He provided food and water in the…
Be a person of value. Let others search for you because of what you carry. Be the solution to people’s problems. You can make a lot of money out of…
God keeps reminding us of what He will do through dreams and prophecies. Your dream is real. You are still on God’s agenda and He will serve you soon. #SirJohnMotivate
When a seed is planted, it grows over a period of time. Don’t expect greatness overnight. While we wait for a tree to bear fruits, it is watered and pruned.…
Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make, makes you.…