Patience is the cure for every trouble.
Patience can boil a rock soft like rice.
Patience reveals truth, it reveals feigned love…it unmasks treachery.
Patience protects your weakness, it hides your fear.

Patience helps you hear unspoken plans and helps you see undisclosed agenda.

Don’t be quick to speak
Don’t be quick to react
Don’t be quick to retaliate
Your actual enemies will escape if you impatiently go after their puppets.
Pretend as if you are not hurt, act like all is well, then their ego will be bruised and they will unveil themselves. Haters hate to be ignored! Traitors don’t stop until they’re uncovered.

Give yourself time!
Never be angry about waiting or offended about inaction…time is not against you, time is your most loyal friend.

Patience is the potent weapon that wins you the fight without losing the war!

Be Patient

Written by: Ps Sunday Oladokun

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