The Prison of Unforgiveness
Sometimes, the weight you have to lose isn’t on your body but on your mind. The most important places to keep clean are your heart and mind. Refuse to allow…
Raising a family that adheres to living in the fullness of Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)
Sometimes, the weight you have to lose isn’t on your body but on your mind. The most important places to keep clean are your heart and mind. Refuse to allow…
Sometimes there are reasons why people act the way they do. Probably, who knows if you had gone through the same condition, you might have acted same way Don’t mix…
Anything you can pay more attention to more than God has become your idol. You can’t put your life in the hands of God and regret it! Stop trusting men…
Don’t allow circumstances and your needs dictate your life. The happiness and success of your life depend on the quality of your thoughts. It is never too late to decide…
Easter is an occasion to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He laid aside His majesty to die for the atonement for our sins.…