Easter is an occasion to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He laid aside His majesty to die for the atonement for our sins. Death could not hold him so on the third day he resurrected. Our team compiled these ten songs from Hillsong Worship to help us celebrate our Easter with;
A very great song by all standards from the 2018 Album, There Is More. The arrangement of this song from its introduction to the end is awesome. The bridge of the music ‘I give my whole life, to honor this love, by the lamp who was slain, I’m forgiven…’’ is a call for all Christian to honour the death of our savior king through love. (Ref: Psalm 107:13-16)
The creativity behind the lyrics and performance of this duet is one of a kind. It was a blend of male and female vocals and the song was part of the 2008 album, Beautiful exchange. Slow tempo composition with theme centered on resurrection and sacrifice. (Ref-John 3:16)
This music was led by Marty Sampson and was part of their 2015 Album, Open Heaven. My favorite part of this song is ‘‘O trampled death, where is your sting? The angels roar for Christ the King’’. This piece reminds me of how powerful the blood of Jesus is. (Ref: Rev 12:11, Romans 5:8)
A very great music performed by Taya Smith from the 2016 Album, Let there be light. The dynamic voice performing artist of “oceans” fame was on point to project the grace of our Lord Jesus. His grace has made us more than conquerors (Ref: Psalm 107:10-14, 2 Corinthians 3:17)
This was selected from the 2014 Album, No Other Name, one of the best albums by Hillsong Worship. The part where the performing artist called for backing from the choir is what I cherish most about this music. God sent Jesus to carry our sins to Mt Calvary for crucifixion. Through that sacrifice our sins are covered (Ref: John 3:16, Romans 8:38-39)
You will enjoy everything about this music including the bridge; “Now my debt is paid. It is paid in full. By the precious blood. That my Jesus spilled. Now the curse of sin. Has no hold on me. Whom the Son sets free. Oh is free indeed”. Man of sorrow was part of the 2013 Album, Glorious Ruin. Jesus is called “a man of sorrow” because of how much suffering he endured whiles on earth. (Ref: Isaiah 53)
Another great song from the 2015 Album, Open Heaven).Not only was the voice of the performer in slow tempo astonishing but the lyrics and song arrangement were wonderful. Christ came on earth as “sin bearer’’ to carry the sin that was ours. (Ref-Ephesians 2:4, Peter 2:24)
This music depicts the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ and how valuable the blood Jesus Christ is to the believer. It was part of the 2016 Album, Let there be Light. Indeed our worth is the cross. (Ref-Galatians 6:4)
The pre-chorus of this music was taken from the traditional ‘amazing grace’. The writer(s) went the extra mile to make this music exceptional by addition rich lyrical content. It was part of the 2014 album, No Other Name. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ saved a wretch like us (Ref-John 5:13, Romans 5:1-2)
Aftermath literally has to do with a sad outcome. Indeed Christ suffered a painful death but it was for our own gain. He suffered whiles we gained, that is selfless love. We found hope in the aftermath of Jesus. (Ref-5:5-7).Aftermath, is the second album from Hillsong United.
Jesus endured many hardships, suffering, pain and sorrows but he kept his eyes on the final outcome of saving his lost sheep’s. During Easter celebration most churches organize programs for revival as well as evangelism to win souls unto our savior. As we use this season to acknowledge the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus, let’s strive to stand firm in our faith until his return.
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to enjoy all music above from Hillsong Worship. You can also, visit Hillsong Worship official YouTube page via:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4q12NoPNySbVqwpw4iO5Vg Remember we love you but Jesus loves you more. Stay blessed
Compiled by: WROM Channel Team
Credit to: Hillsong Worship