Focus: Refuse to be Distracted
You don’t have to convince your critics; you have a destiny to fulfill. Be the best that you can be, and before long, you will complete your dream and your…
Raising a family that adheres to living in the fullness of Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)
You don’t have to convince your critics; you have a destiny to fulfill. Be the best that you can be, and before long, you will complete your dream and your…
The quality of your life will be largely dependent upon the nature of your habits. Create habits that will move you forward rather than backward. Your daily routines are the…
Believe in new possibilities. There’s a future version of you who’s proud you were strong enough not to give up. You are a walking miracle, never doubt how amazing you…
Get excited about possibilities! Even if it looks like a dead-end, you still haven’t run out of options. You are not defeated till you give up. Don’t let your faith…
Life is not subject to chance, it is subject to truths. You have the same opportunity to improve your life and succeed as did others who succeeded. Don’t distort the…
Choose which is important to you- your comfort zone or a better life. You have been built with the abilities and possibilities of divinty, make it count! Don’t allow the…
The job of leadership is not just in meeting targets and making more money. It is impacting lives positively and giving lives a meaning in the process of meeting your…
Work on being and not on having, because with who you are, you’ll have. Increase your value; the first step towards increasing your value is always inward learning who you…
The dominant experience of your life is a reflection of the way you are thinking on the inside. Instead of looking for a change to take place externally in everybody…
People will not always appreciate the good that you do but will put you down for the one mistake you make. Rise above their criticisms and stay strong. Don’t amplify…