You are God’s product; He sponsors no flops. Believe in yourself and have faith in the ability He has given to you.
Understanding who are and your uniqueness makes you outstanding on this earth. Accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself, improve yourself and be a wise master to yourself. There’s no one better; you are the best of you!
To wish you were someone is a waste of the divine skill and ability you were made with.Quit trying to be someone else- you are beautiful, unique and endowed! Never let the fear of what other people think stop you from being you.
You can do better than you think. God has already empowered you; you are excellent than you think. Remember, the image you place on yourself is proportionate to your success in life. Arise and shine
God doesn’t want a second-rate version of you, He wants a first-rate version of what He has created you to be. Project yourself forward.