1. “A man can have sex with a lady without having any feelings for her”
2. A woman cannot have sex with a man without having feelings and affectionate for the man unless it’s for commercial reasons”
3. “A man can give you money and expensive gifts just to have sex with you, with no feelings of love attached to it.”
4. “Good sex can make a man act like he is in love when there is nothing he feels for you”
5. “Sex to a man is NOT an act of commitment, they can have it and go their way easily.”
6. “Sex to a woman is an act of commitment;a woman will not open her legs if she is not ready to commit to the relationship.”
7.”Sex in a relationship is different from sex in marriage. Most relationship sex is just casual but marital sex bonds couples together”
Written by: Counselor (Mrs) Asanji Yvette.